Quizmania Hits 50
Congratulations to Quizmania on reaching their 50th episode.
The show is now on five times per week which means, more Nikki!.
Check your TV Guide for more information.
Fantastic! Leave your congratulations and comments in this thread.

More pictures in the Nikki Osborne Gallery.
The show is now on five times per week which means, more Nikki!.
Check your TV Guide for more information.
Fantastic! Leave your congratulations and comments in this thread.
More pictures in the Nikki Osborne Gallery.
Labels: video
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
They turned 50 on my birthday!! October 19th!! Yay!!
Nikki is awesome - do you think she'd go out on a date with me?? Probably not :-(
Ahh well.....
At 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Contgrats on your 50th Quizmania! Nikki looked adorable in her frock and party hat, aww.
P.S: Don't be so negative 'Anonymous' you never know.
At 3:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Now now now, don't be so hard on yourself 'annonymous' you never know.
By the way I have big plans for Nikki involving a movie that will make her the next Keira Knightley.
Congrats on 50 shows Quizmania!
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm curious to know who this Grant person is. I know Nikki and I am wondering if this movie is the real deal?? If so Grant, let me know and post your blog. Does your last name begin with a T??
At 7:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Shelly, I don't actually work in showbuisness or anything, but i'm a writer in progress and when my story gets made into a movie Nikki is the one I'd like to star in it.
I probably sound crazy but ya gotta have dreams and i'm just very confidant is all.
Also my name doesn't start with a T but it does have a T in it :P
At 7:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to repeat myself before, I didn't think the first message got through, oops
At 8:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
What does he mean be the next Keira Knightley? she got famous from doing a pirate movie, are you planning on putting Nikki in a pirate movie? ;p
Well I prefer Nikki as a presenter, she should host a variety show or something..
But with 9 being sold to the US I guess Quizmania could be cut :( So would be good to see her in a movie.
At 9:08 PM,
Nikki Osborne Fan Club said…
No worries Grant.
All comments are pre-moderated. That is, they must be approved before they appear on the site. You can imagine we get some weird ones...
As a consequence, there may be some delay before your message appears.
Anyway, I think anonymous@1:36pm has been inspired twice...
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nikki and Brodie FTW.
At 12:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi - its anonymous@1.36pm here. Actually - my name's Jason. I hope Nikki gets more gigs on ch 9 (or any other channel for that matter). She's really fun to watch - entertaining & quirky. I love quirky humour. How funny was she on the 50th show -- whenever a caller mentioned the name 'Dominic' she did that cute little song...'Dominic-o-nic-o-nic-o...'. I loved it.
So far as the date comment goes - that was just an off the cuff remark. Of course if I got the chance to meet her one day to say 'Hi' – well, that would be pretty nice indeed! Anyway, I sent her a fan e-mail – maybe I’ll get a reply….
At 12:56 AM,
Soon said…
Now that was a funny intro clip. And who better to break the 50th than Nikki, she's pretty much the show now.
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lol nah not a pirate movie Drew, I just meant it'd make her a big name in hollywood & all.
My story is a horror/action about a girl with demonic powers who becomes a hero.
Nikki's looks & personality resemble the main character's, when I found out she's an actor I realized she'd be perfect for role.
But I'm getting ahead of myself here, haven't actually finished writing the bloody thing :P
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
celllllebrate good times
come awn!
At 12:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm confused about something. At the start of the 50th show (as can be seen in the clip)did Nikki say "...and giving away shiploads of money..." or did she say "...and giving away sh**loads of money..."? If it's the latter, naughty Nikki! Bad, bad!
Pff, who am I kidding? I forgive ya.
At 6:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mega congrats to The QM on your 50th show! Great work by Nikki, Amy, Brodie and all the crew.
I hope I'm there to see The QM's 500th show - provided Nikki is still starring on it!
BTW I noticed in next week's TV Guide that Midnight Zoo has disappeared! Apparently due to public pressure (Online Petitions etc) the final Zoo screened on Oct 21 (according to the following site link- http://au.messages.yahoo.com/news/entertainment/24511?p=1).
Obviously this is good news for Quizmania in the short-term. Long-term ... I don't know.
Maybe Quizmania / Nikki fans could start our own petition - to keep Quizmania on air!
Save Our Nikki!
Quizmaniacs Unite!
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
My god nikki you are too cute...
way too cute...
At 4:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
By the way Shelly, you really know Nikki? I'm so jealous! *Cries*
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
u have to be honest with yourself to agree with this one,,,,
c'mon guys , you its going to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sometime soon, we will all read that nikki is going out with someone or getting engaged / married etc,
we will all get peed off and feel like we missed our chance,
YEAHHHHHHHHHHH AS IIFFFFFFFFFFFFFF any of us dufuses had a snowflakes chance ,,,,,,,,,
but we will also all cry into our lil pillows that night,
ahhh she would be great though, even just for a cheeky cuddle,
alas poor nikki i never knew her well, but she's great to perv on and laugh at,
thanks for the good times 'nikki' u spunky monkey,
ferg :D
At 1:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
u have to be honest with yourself to agree with this one,,,,
c'mon guys , you know its going to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sometime soon, we will all read that nikki is going out with someone or getting engaged / married etc,
we will all get peed off and feel like we missed our chance,
YEAHHHHHHHHHHH AS IIFFFFFFFFFFFFFF any of us dufuses had a snowflakes chance ,,,,,,,,,
but we will also all cry into our lil pillows that night,
ahhh she would be great though, even just for a cheeky cuddle,
alas poor nikki i never knew her well, but she's great to perv on and laugh at,
thanks for the good times 'nikki' u spunky monkey,
ferg :D
(reposted, i left out the 'know'):D
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow pretty negative there Ferg, I found the "snowball's chance" bit kinda insulting to be honest, speak for yourself.
She's not just someone to "perv on & laugh at" she has a warm childlike spirit that makes her able to entertain & bring a smile to people, a rare thing these days.
She's mentioned that she plans to do some more acting too, someday the world will know how awesome this Nikki Osborne is!
Stay tuned folks.
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
When I’m thinking of Nikki, two sayings come to mind-
“Some dreams come true, some don't - but you're always free to dream.
So keep on dreamin'!”
(and …)
“A man’s got to know his limitations.”
The first, idealistic. The other, realistic. I currently lean to the former state of mind.
Ferg it seems is leaning to the latter, and sounds like he might be pulling the pin. Hopefully not tho’- I’m sure Nikki would miss his positive comments.
Oh BTW I noticed Quizmania has been bumped off tonight (Saturday 28/10), according to today’s Herald Sun - replaced by some unknown movie. A similar thing happened a few Friday’s ago. What happened to “5 nights a week”?
I don’t want to sound (any more) alarmist but I hope this isn’t the start of a worrying trend!
At 2:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's because the rugby was on.. And I also noticed Nikki was only on 2 nights last week so hopefully she will be on for tuesday for the halloween show :)
At 1:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
If we want to see more of Nikki then we should be writing into RALPH magazine. It's true that Nikki did a shoot with them. Nikki Osborne for cover I say!! Get requesting guys!!
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh grant,
ease up 'tonto', it was tongue in cheek,
you know that feeling you have when a public figure sexy lady that you admire is announced to be in a relationship etc, that disappointed feeling, i think my first bit was
"u have to be honest with yourself to agree with this one,,,,"
do you know what honesty is there, mr grant,,,mmmmmmm,
and once again,,,,
it was tongue in cheek
At 8:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lol yes I do know what honesty is, but there's a difference between being honest with yourself and just being pessimistic. Anyway this discussion doesn't belong in this topic anymore, let's just agree to disagree... or something
At 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nikki had a boyfriend, Brodie let slip one night, could it be matt the floor guy? ;)
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey grant,
i think anonymous has expressed some perfectly valid points ,
remember everyone has a different opinion, thats what makes the world go round,
lets just say we all agree that,
ferg :D
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Everyone has the right to their oppinion Ferg but some people on here are just plain rude you have to admit. This site is about worshiping the goddess Nikki Osborne so she knows how much everyone adores her. Can't we all just play friendly? That's all I'm sayin folks
P.S: Please add more pics to the gallery.
At 6:54 PM,
Nikki Osborne Fan Club said…
Grant/Ferg, that's enough now.
At 2:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think Brodie has a crush on Nikki, now wouldn't that be interesting
At 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yikes that last comment was a little thoughtless of me, considering Nikki actually reads these threads! Sorry, I was kinda kiddin anyway :P
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