Nikki Osborne

Fan Club and gallery for Nikki Osborne, star of The Nation (Channel Nine Australia), former late night TV presenter on the Quizmania gameshow and one of Australian television's best looking and talented new stars. It's not Rocket Surgery...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Website for Sale

Due to time constraints, this website and the associated domain are for sale.

Genuine enquiries to

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Are all Melbourne Bureacrats This Silly?

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:
A Victorian Government department raised questions about the suitability of a Channel Nine personality fronting a program spruiking regional Victoria because she had posed for a men's magazine.

Government authority Regional Development Victoria raised the concerns after a bureaucrat discovered television host Nikki Osborne had featured in Ralph magazine.

Let's see. Nikki was (very sensibly) selected for the campaign in May 2009. This site reported on it at the time.

About nine months later, an un-named bureaucrat has "discovered" Nikki's modelling history.

Nine months!

I wonder how long it will take them to discover that our Prime Minister hung around a strip joint once.

Geez, have these people not heard of Google? It would have shown them everything. A Google search for "Nikki Osborne" isn't exactly rocket surgery.

Your tax dollars at work. Wait until they discover that Kevin Rudd hangs around strip joints! Why, that's the sort of scandal which could stop you becoming Prime Minister one day.

Oh, wait...

Personally, we believe Provincial Victoria couldn't have chosen a better face. Well perhaps except for that chick in the McCain's Pizza Ad.

P.S. Memo to Ralph: Given that Nikki currently appears at the top of your top-five babe galleries, the least you could do is spell her name correctly!

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Nikki on TV again

We've just been advised that Nikki Obsorne will be making an appearance on the Melbourne Channel 31 program 'The Mutant Way' as a special guest. The taping will take place on Monday 13th July and free studio audience tickets are available.

Here are the details:
Monday 13th July, 6:45PM
TV Studio, Building P, Deakin University, Burwood Campus, 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC

Reserve seats by emailing Emma at:
Nikki Osborne fans are welcome to come along and see her live on the show.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank Heavens!

Nikki is back on our screens, finally, promoting Provincial Victoria.

Thanks to Phantasmal, as always, for the clip.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Would you Like to see Nikki in a Cage?

Nikki is auditioning - on air, for a new spot on Brisbane Triple-M's morning program, The Cage.

Check out The Cage's Website.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Congratulations Nikki

Congratulations to Nikki, Jeremy and their families on the birth of a son.

In Nikki's own words, via Myspace:
Sorry I've been so slack lately. My secret project has just begun. His name is Will Henry Starr and he was born on Sunday, April 6 at 3:48pm weighing in at 8lb 11ounces. As for the tele front, that will get going again once I've got the hang of this current gig.
No need to apologise! See you soon.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Starr Osborne

Yes, yes, we know it's been a bit slow around here. With good reason!

Huge congratulations to Nikki and her new husband Jeremy on their marriage. They have just returned from Honeymoon.

Post your best wishes to all of the families in comments.

P.S: The headline of this post is terribly clever, don't you think?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Holding Breath

While we all wait, here's something to keep you amused.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Nice Legs, Shame about the Face...

Unfortunately, on the previous episode of The Nation, Nikki's appearance was confined to a brief shot (from behind only) of her passing Mick some flowers. We didn't even see Nikki's face! It could have been a stunt double.

To prevent withdrawal symptoms, enjoy this blast from the past, some epic Quizmania silliness which will be featuring on Channel Nine highlights tapes for many years to come.

Thanks to Drew for the memories.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Viva la Nation

Merci, Phantasmal.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Comic Timing

If you were wondering what happened last night, no, The Nation weren't doing a parody of Muriel's Wedding, that really was Muriel's Wedding.

The Nation
has moved to Wednesday nights at 10:30pm.
Thanks to Phantasmal for the vid.

Also appearing last night were Andrew Denton and Crowded House. Not too shabby! Lucky buggers probably even got to meet Nikki as well.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Taste of the Future

Remember Nikki for PM?

Check this out:

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lighting up the Screen

With thanks as always, to Phantasmal.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oi Oi Oi...

From Last week's episode of The Nation: Mick Molloy's Australia.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Radio Interview

Meshel Laurie had Nikki Osborne as her guest on the Nova Breakfast radio show in Bris-Vegas.

Listen to the audio here. Link may self-destruct, grab it while it's hot.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Set your VCRs

The Nation debuts at 9.30pm (AEST) Tuesday on Channel Nine.

Update: Nikki's appearance was very brief and in disguise. In case you missed it, Phantasmal comes to the rescue - as always.
Via comments, the reviews are in! We wait with interest to see where the show goes.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Goodbye and Hello

Nikki has made her final appearance on Quizmania.

Before you rush off the nearest tall building, relax. Nikki will be back soon and we can't wait. Posting will be a little quiet until then, obviously.

Finally, Mishy has made a breathtaking tribute video:

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Meet Nikki

Nikki will be hosting "Fix Me Up" with New Woman. Tomorrow night, Saturday 5 May at Eve in Southbank.

Funds raised will help Variety, a childrens charity so get down there!

Click here for details.

Special entry cost is $20 entry for Variety the children's charity - includes complimentary Variety Cocktail on arrival and a FIX ME UP Gift Bag (including New Woman magazine).

Update: A top night was had by all. If you have any photos, upload them to the Guest Uploads folder in the Nikki Osborne Gallery.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Oh No You Didn't...

From the shameless link-whoring department, some idiot has established the following poll at an unrelated site.

Is Nikki Osborne as Dumb as she sounds?

Vote at!

You know what you have to do.

Fanclub Ho-oooooooooo.....

Update: The No's have it.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nik Politik

A guy called Tim Blair who has a hilarious blog, asks whether Kevin Rudd could host Quizmania. His readers are already pondering the question.

It would be an interesting job-swap considering some have previously declared that Nikki Osborne should be Prime Minister.

So, the Nikki 2010 election campaign gathers steam... Nikki 2010 even sounds like a promising TV show!

The Nikki for PM campaign managers, Kizza and Mishy received a special hello on-air.

Via comments, describe Australia under Prime Minister Nikki Osborne...

Campaign posters also welcome. Speaking of which, thanks to whomever uploaded "Officer Osborne" to the Gallery, it's a cack!

Update: Evangelion: 'Parliament Question Time' becomes the top rating Australian TV show...

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