Hummina Hummina
Ralph Magazine's latest issue, featuring Nikki Osborne was released today.
You will buy it.

You will buy it.
Labels: non-Quizmania
Fan Club and gallery for Nikki Osborne, star of The Nation (Channel Nine Australia), former late night TV presenter on the Quizmania gameshow and one of Australian television's best looking and talented new stars. It's not Rocket Surgery...
Labels: non-Quizmania
At 5:45 PM,
Vote4Pedro said…
Reaching for FHM at the servo today the name Nikki Osborne caught my eye from the cover of Ralph. Nikki Osborne MMMMMMM!!!!!
Well I had to buy it, I cant get enough of our dear Miss Nikki. I was outraged when they replaced quiz mania with some show about Italian singers called "The Sopranos"!! Cant wait ill she catches Hef's eye and ends up in playboy. Nikki Osborne,MMMMMMMM!!
At 5:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Nikki for the awesome pics in Ralph mag!! You are destined for are you know!!!
At 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
phwoah. Bought it. Youch.
At 8:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
I read her interview in the mag today and I'm glad she didn't resort to the whole hot girl/slut thing most of them do :p
She was just funny like usual and laid back and had some great pics taken that won't hurt her career!
go nikki!
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Man I never look at mags like Ralph but in this case I couldn't resist and I've gotta say you blew my socks right off Nikki! I hope you do more of this sorta thing. Everyone should go to the Ralph site and give her the hottest vote.
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Excellent Photos Nikki!! You look lovelly!! Guys, I have already emailed Ralph Magazine, asking them to publish more Nikki photos in the January Issue!!! You don't think these are all they took??? Get emailing to Ralph Editor!!!
Polite requests for more Nikki photos!! :) Nikki was the Hottest Babe in this Issue!! She should have been the Cover Girl!!
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
its all sass
much love to nikki
she's dream-tastic
At 12:17 AM,
Soon said…
It's not often they make a mag that's worth the bother of buying.
At 1:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
they shouldn't have photoshopped her boobs! she's got a great natural pair anyway! bad photoshopping job there, too. am i the only one that notices that on this picture?
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice pic, who is it ?
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
They have not photoshopped my boobs. Thanks fot the support though.
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I confirm I did not touch them, honest.
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeeha Oma!
Nikki deinen Ralph Fotos sind wunderbar!
Interesting article too!
I do take exception tho' to Pickled Herring's … errr … Pickering's view that you were a lame Pirate. You could "Shiver me timbers!" anytime Cap'n Nikki!
Oh and Nikki, do you have a Quizmania sticker on your car?
'Cos if I remember rightly you actually said that you had a Quizmania sticker on your bumper (not a Buzz Monkey one), and you tried to put QM stickers on cars in your street.
If is this is the possie, you didn't fib at all – and a certain neighbour owes Miss Nikki an apology!
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Awesome pictures, Everyone get emailing to Ralph for some more nikki osborne pictures, maybe this time she will be on the front cover!
At 9:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
it was embarrassing to buy a ralph mag and i had to go back twice because there was a sweet old lady at the counter ( the first time i had to buy a christmas scratch ticket instead- thank god i won 3 bucks)
nikki made it worthwhile and they even quoted her interview in the courier mail today- i bet that never happens to ralph models.
she is officially my happy place and i try to remember her when they make me shovel the drains at work and they are swimming with gross cane toads.
i wish i was that bream
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just uploaded a wallpaper for you guys in the guest uploads section! exclusively for this site! :)
Hope you all like.. Drew
At 1:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh, i noticed her boobs.
but its her sass that got the better part :D
At 7:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Best. Screensaver. EVER.
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nikki is perfect just the way she is...
I need a girlfriend... or atleast a picture of one.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder what her age & birthday is???
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
No photoshop needed - Nikki's keepin it real....good on ya sister!!
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
They say that beautiful women have a problem because men are too afraid to ask them out.
So....I'm going to do you a favour Nikki and ask you out on a date.
I have all my own teeth and my mother says I'm a lovely boy, though mum's been known to ramble a bit since we put her in the home.
I've almost got a steady job and I have my own bicycle, fully owned.
Please reply via this blog.
At 12:49 AM,
Evangelion said…
Those pix are good but just a tad over the top with the eyeliner! Nikki looks like an egyptian priestess or something. What about the 'bleary eyed, bad hair and cranky in the morning' photo shoot ? That's one I'd like to see ! Be more realistic.
At 1:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I emailed Quizmania asking if its the real Nikki who leaves comments on here but they haven't gotten back to me *cries hard*
Oh and any chance of someone posting the Ralph interview on here somehow?
At 3:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I want to see Nikki dressed up as Ariel the little mermaid, I'm not really sure what circumstances would call for that but I'm sure she'd love to.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Brad, bless your cotton sox. I'm very impressed that you own your own bike. The ...i wish i looked like Dalton James...blogger, that's so funny because I used to have a poster of Dalton James on my wall.
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I told mum the bike didn't seem to do the job and could she please buy me a Ferrari F430. She reminded me that I already sold the house to put her in the home, then blew the rest at Crown and would I please go away.
Parents are so ungrateful.
At 5:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
well as great as i figured nikki would look, it was nothing compared to how sexy she does look in the pics , how lovely is her face,
i still find her cheeky , crazy, confident and sexy personality the most appealing,
such a hot package,
ferg :D
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
This blog is making it impossible for Nikki's boyfriend. How can he possibly compete with all the compliments that flow on this web site. It's IMPOSSIBLE and I'm errr I mean - he - must be losing the plot by now.
Flowers and chocolate just don't cut it against constant and unrelenting adoration.
At 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
evangelion said...
Those pix are good but just a tad over the top with the eyeliner! Nikki looks like an egyptian priestess or something.
That explains why I love these photos of Nikki! I've always been entranced by the whole Ancient Egyptian Queen / priestess thing.
We even had a cat, a tonkinese, named Nefi (short for Nefertiti), and very nearly named our siamese Tutankhamen. Unfortunately the 'pet' version "Toot" didn't appeal to all concerned.
Oops! Sorry for goin' O/T!
Judging by these pics, if Nikki was an Egyptian goddess she'd have to be Hathor - the Goddess of Love, Music and Beauty.
Very apt!
At 5:09 PM,
Evangelion said…
Oh man, I've got such a massive crush on Nikki Osborne, it's embarrassing ! and painful. GET OUT OF MY HEAD OSBORNE !
No, sorry, it's me, not you. I'm going mad.
I think I better stop now.
At 10:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Does anybody know if Nikki is being courted for any other TV shows? Or who her agent is?
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Saw Nikki again last night, I think I said previously that she should be out of QM in 6 months or go mad, I reckon I overestimated the time, it should be 3 months, that job would drive anyone nuts real quick if they do it properly and Nikki does give it 100%.
Wouldn't it be nice if Ch9 put Nikki in their 07' promo that runs over Christmas.........hint bloody hint.
Saw poor ol'e Brad carrying his bike, apparently he waited for hours at Flinders St for Nikki (he was under some delusion they had a date)and when she didn't turn up he went to get a Mars bar (he was hungry) and someone stole the wheels off his bike. Poor bastard.
At 6:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
<('-'<) <('o')> (>'.')>
Hey Nikki love the new dance routine of late spicy.........
<('-')> (>'-'<) L('-'L) (J'-')J
At 1:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Heheh very cute there 'U Make Me Smile'. Oh & Quizmania emailed me back confirming its really Nikki posting comments on here, Cool!
At 7:48 PM,
maff said…
Is there anyone more beautiful on tv at the moment i dont think so keep it up nikki
At 1:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Those silly Ralph publishers, Nikki is much cooler than Lara.
At 1:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
how old is she?
At 3:49 AM,
Evangelion said…
I don't think there will be any more Ralph/Nikki pix anytime soon.
I think doing them was a little stressful for her. But they are tasteful and useful for her career.
At 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nikki's good looks come from the inside, someone close to me once said good looks come from the inside and they were right.
Nikki as herself fully clothed is as alluring as it gets, it gets no better than that.
Throat dries up, heart starts racing, eyes mist over, you know the story.
Here's lookin' at you kid.
At 12:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
well said RR,
as ive said previously,
as incredibly sexy , alluring and astoundingly pretty Nikki is,
its the crazy, lively , cheeky vivacious , feminine personality that makes me unable to take my eyes away from the screen,
nikki's incredibly sexy eyes and cheeky smile make me melt also,
shame Ralph touched up her freckles and sunspots ,
they always look sexy on the telly
ferg :D
At 3:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous@1:17am
According to her MySpace she's 25, born the same year as meee!
At 6:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well done nikki, hope you win best looking gal comp cos you sure do deserve it, good luck :)
At 3:52 PM,
stevie babie said…
nikki i think u r the morst georgeus girl i have ever seen. i am pretty younge im only 15 but i think u are perfect. cant wait 2 see more photos. xoxo
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
nikki i think u r the morst georgeus girl i have ever seen. i am pretty younge im only 15 but i think u are perfect. cant wait 2 see more photos. xoxo
"Stevie Baby", I am going to give you some advice. I don't think you will like it, however one day you will thank me.
Put down the Ralph Magazine and pick up some good books. Stop sending abbreviated SMS (in 'SMS-speak') to your friends and complete whole sentences instead.
Sometimes you can't rely on the red underline in Microsoft to tell you when you have made an error, and need to know how to avoid them in the first place.
Your spelling is woeful.
In your one short paragraph, there were more than half a dozen silly errors. Let's review them:
"nikki" - Should have a capital letter.
"i think u r" - I should be capitalised, typing "u r" is lazy.
"morst georgeus" - Morst? That is the most ridiculous thing I have read here. Georgeus is also wrong.
i - Needs a capital.
i - Ditto.
am pretty younge - No sir, you are pretty "young".
im only 15 - Then you should know that "I'm", is short for "I am" has a capital I and an apostrophe.
i think u are perfect. - Touching, but perfect women loath the English of a six year old, and swoon over the perfect English of a strapping teenage lad who can write.
cant wait 2 see - Well I can't wait to see good use of apostrophes and typing the whole extra letter required to go from "2" to "to". Not difficult!
Stevie, I know I'm being harsh, but as I said, one day, you will thank me, when yours is the only job application out of all of your peers, which reads correctly.
I hope you take this advice in the spirit with which it is intended. Sadly, reading Myspace, comments around here, SMS and so forth, it is painfully obvious that many people of around your age, feel spelling is unimportant.
Unfortunately for them, external factors permitting, it as a clear sign of intelligence. So unless you have a good excuse, like having immigrated two months ago from a non-English country (in which case let me congratulate you on your obvious achievement) you need to smarten up boy!
I know your initial reaction may be to get upset at me, but I also known in my heart of hearts, that you are old enough to be mature about what I am saying.
Who knows, perhaps one day, a highly intelligent, very comprehensible young man with excellent written ability, may just land a Nikki of his own.
Let me know what you think.
By the way, if it turns out you do have a valid excuse for this, then I apologise and direct my comments instead to any number of other commenteers around here.
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
One more thing:
I assumed you meant "Stevie Baby" (not babie) though perhaps you were just being creative.
At 11:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, well, well - aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself here, Trev? I do believe that, despite your condescension of this poor young man, you are far from perfect the grammatical sense, that is, and no doubt many other facets of your existence!
Let me highlight some of your deficiencies, if I may:
Touching, but perfect women loath the English of a six year old, and swoon over the perfect English of a strapping teenage lad who can write.
The correct spelling is "loathe".
Stevie, I know I'm being harsh, but as I said, one day, you will thank me, when yours is the only job application out of all of your peers, which reads correctly.
Contrary to the belief that may (or may not?) be held by Microsoft Word, there is no need for a comma here. It disrupts the structural flow and integrity of the sentence.
I hope you take this advice in the spirit with which it is intended. Sadly, reading Myspace, comments around here, SMS and so forth, it is painfully obvious that many people of around your age, feel spelling is unimportant.
See above.
...having immigrated two months ago from a non-English country...
I do believe a "non-English" country would be all those countries other than England, correct? I think you meant to write a non-English speaking country.
All in all, not a bad effort, but if you are to ride in on your high horse, make sure you can back it up with a gallop into the sunset, rather than being bucked off, red-faced.
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I concede to most of the errors you have indicated, although I do stand behind the comma following "peers". No matter.
Regardless, it is clear I forgot the golden rule of nitpicking, and that is to pick one's own nits first, checking and double-checking before ranting about errors.
I could probably blame a hastily mashed out response for at least one typo (for which I am loath to admit error) if not all the balls-ups you indicate.
However I shall cop it sweet, knowing deep down that you probably agree with me and also cringe, as I do daily, at the apparently complete abolition of English in the last few years, culminating in a top-40 single entitled "Stick Wit U".
If you are still not convinced, might I refer you to the comments on the various Nikki videos which grace Youtube.
Ugh (to use the parlance of our time).
but if you are to ride in on your high horse, make sure you can back it up with a gallop into the sunset, rather than being bucked off, red-faced.
Excellent advice, and rather well put Sir. However, I should say that in some circumstances, lacking a high-horse and merely riding slowly astride a crippled aardvark, can yield impressive results.
I'm not sure I got bucked, however feel free to tell me to get bucked.
Particularly when I point out your missing capital letter after the ellipsis. ;-)
At 4:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Guys, we r here 2 gaze in awe at the beuty of nikki and not be discussin bad gramma.
At 11:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Woah, what's the link to vote for her I looked everywhere!
At 2:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Trev,
This is anonymous, once again, attracting your attention for grammatical debate.
Get bucked. ;-)
The use of the ellipsis is quite debatable, as there is no strict imposition of rule regarding its use apart from confusion over spacing before and after the dots - generally there is no concern, in my experience, regarding the capitalisation, so long as the intention of the writer is reasonably clear. I will, however, concede there may be an error, but it's a mightily short straw you're tugging at :)
Regardless, I do share your pain regarding the demise of the throne of grammar within our society. Unfortunately, the sweet pleasure of escaping into a novel has been substituted in favour of a grotesque, collective, consumerist, "do this" and "do that" mentality. Depressing. Some of my fondest memories were steeled within the pages of a Roald Dahl book. Nowadays the world is more concerned with his flyaway granddaughter and her degenerate antics/"friends" - see "Hello" magazine for more details.
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