Nikki Osborne

Fan Club and gallery for Nikki Osborne, star of The Nation (Channel Nine Australia), former late night TV presenter on the Quizmania gameshow and one of Australian television's best looking and talented new stars. It's not Rocket Surgery...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Plea for Help

Normally we'd ignore such things, but hey, it's Christmas. Can anybody help?
Hey Nikki Fan club, gr8 site! Hey I was wondering if u would be able to upload the king and queen of quizmania from this Friday Nights, Hannah and Sam. I was the queen but missed it and thought u might have it! I'd be forever greatful!
Please keep up the gr8 work!

Luv: Hannah :)
If anyone can help, please contact Hannah at and leave a comment here.

Ho ho ho.....


  • At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i am mikcey and i rekon it's like stuffed up that poor lil nikki has been shuned from air! WHERE IS QUIZZ MANIA!? WHER WHER WHER!!!

    xxoo mickey

  • At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Nikki!
    Why are you pleading for help? You need none! Only us - we are your biggest fans and we have all the answers for Quizmania we always guess the top answer and win virtual money. We will happily support and guide you during your times of need.
    Love us - hewey, dewey and lewey xo

  • At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What are you talking about? Nikki isn't the one pleading for help, im so confused. By the way QuizMania will be back on Sunday night for those who don't know.


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